8 popular Eager Serious Bird Species in the USA

Bald Eagles

Meet the symbol of freedom! The Bald Eagle, a serious favorite among birdwatchers

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Northern Cardinals

Vibrant and enthusiastic, Northern Cardinals are a joy to watch. 

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Red-tailed Hawks

Serious birdwatchers admire the Red-tailed Hawk for its soaring flight and keen hunting skills.

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Great Horned Owls

Known for their serious nocturnal habits, Great Horned Owls.

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Peregrine Falcons

Watch the fastest bird on Earth in action! 

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American Goldfinches

Serious birdwatchers appreciate the lively nature of American Goldfinches.

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Serious avian enthusiasts often spot Ospreys near water bodies.

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Eastern Bluebirds

Serious avian enthusiasts often spot Ospreys near water bodies.

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