Astronauts rescued the Hubble Space Telescope 30 years ago

About 30 years have passed since the extremely risky mission that NASA astronauts 

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Carried out to save the Hubble Space Telescope.

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It was arguably the riskiest mission scientists had ever imagined at the time.

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Fortunately, astronauts were able to physically fix the space telescope that orbits Earth. Mid-orbit, indeed.

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Even with this capacity, though, no one truly anticipated that the repairs.

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would need to be made so quickly and in such a dramatic way before to Hubble's launch.

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When the story starts, fourteen years prior, work had barely

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started on "grounding" the massive 2.4-meter mirror that would serve as the center of gravity for Hubble's optical system. 

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started on "grounding" the massive 2.4-meter mirror that would serve as the center of gravity for Hubble's optical system. 

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mirror needed to be ground to precise specifications because it was by far the biggest telescope sent into space at the time. 

Image : unsplash

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