The Best Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake Recipe

Irresistible Combo

Indulge in the perfect fusion of peanut butter and jelly on a fluffy pancake.

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Gather Your Ingredients 

Prepare for pancake perfection! Grab your flour, eggs, milk, peanut butter, and favorite jelly to create a tasty stack. 

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Whisk and Mix

In a bowl, whisk together the pancake batter ingredients.

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On the Griddle

Pour the batter onto a hot griddle. Watch the pancakes sizzle and rise, creating a tempting aroma in your kitchen.

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Layer and Spread

As each pancake cooks, spread a layer of your favorite jelly between them.

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Stack and Serve

Stack the peanut butter and jelly-infused pancakes high on a plate.

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Garnish and Enjoy

Garnish with sliced strawberries or a sprinkle of powdered sugar.

Image : unsplash

Variations to Try

Experiment with different jellies or add sliced bananas for a unique twist.

Image : unsplash

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